Let’s work together.

Jeremy would be happy to provide a free consultation. Call or send an email to the address below. Name and contact information is sufficient. Jeremy will contact you promptly. It is important not to provide confidential information. The firm cannot assure confidentiality until you become a client. That requires an agreement with Bartell Law. We look forward to helping you meet your legal challenges sensibly and economically. 

Jeremy L. Bartell, Esq.
700 12th Street, NW, Suite 700
Washington, D.C. 20005

Legal Sense | Business Sense | Common Sense
As a financial professional, you manage risks, solve problems and find ways to benefit your clients and your business. When legal issues arise, you deserve to understand the law, your options, and the costs and risks involved. Sound legal analysis is key. But business skills are needed to weigh the costs and benefits of legal strategies. A good strategy is tailored and proportional to your specific legal issue. Your matter should not be blown into the trial of the century, unless it needs to be. In short, good results require legal sense, business sense and common sense.